Hslj Activities & clubs
The High School for Law & Justice is proud to have a continuously growing selection of different activities that take place outside of the classroom. Check out the different options below and reach out with questions today.
Alma Latina
Alma Latina is a latin culture inspired club, that creates beautiful traditional dances to represent the culture that lives within them. They prepare presentations throughout the school year.
Student Ambassadors are the face & voice of the High School for Law & Justice. Ambassadors engage with prospective students, & answer any questions they may have about HSLJ, & reassure and guide them in their journey.
Archery provides a social setting where archers discuss everything from gear to shooting techniques, you'll benefit from tips & tricks, and most importantly enhance your overall archery experience.

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Business Professionals of America
Business Professionals of America provides students with the opportunity to develop, lead and compete, as they prepare for careers in today's modern business environment.
Mock Trial Club
Mock Trial Club prepares those who seek to get involved in the legal field. Students will be able to simulate a real trial. Students will learn about different court terms, techniques and procedures.

Police Explorers
Police Explorers is designed to acquaint young people with the nature and complexity of law enforcement. Students will be able to simulate real life scenarios that an officer would encounter.

Teen Court
The City of Houston Municipal Courts Department is proud to offer Teen Court! Its obejctives are to improve the overall understanding of the juvenile justice system and spark an interest in the legal profession. Teen Court hears real cases at the municipal court.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society elevates a student's commitment to the value of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

Cheer Team
The HSLJ Cheer Team cheers on our students during our events like charity basketball games, powderpuff, pep rallies and more. They bring forth the school's spirit.
Gardening Club
Gardening club teaches students how to grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Prairie View A&M teams up with our students to them teach healthy eating habits/recipes.