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Law Day 2023
Check out the images above from Law Day 2023! We had many law enforcement departments as well as attorneys and other guests come talk to our students!

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Forensic Sciene
Mr. Chasteen
Check out the images above from Mr. Chasteen's Forensic Science class!

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Fly-In Day 2023!
Ambassador Team
Check out the images aboveto see more of Fly-In Day with the class of 2027!
Faith Morris
Faith Morris is ranked second in her senior class and is president of the National Honor Society. She enjoys volunteering and has organized food drives for the Houston Food Bank, coordinated a Black History Month program at her school, and participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at a cemetery for veterans with her JROTC program. Read more here!

Law Day 2024
Check out the images above from Law Day 2024! We had a great time as students got to learn from various agencies and professionals involved in the legal field.
National Principals' Day
Ms. Garcia
Happy National Principals’ Day. We appreciate you and all you do for our students, teachers, and staff.

Teachers vs Students Volleyball Game
We had our HSLJ Vs. Teachers volleyball game! Our volleyball team and faculty had a GREAT game with so many of our students in attendance! Thank you to all the teachers that participated!

Celebrating HSLJ's Veterans
Major Welch, Nurse Riley, & Dr. Holmes
At today’s Veteran’s Ceremony, color guard posted the colors and Cadet CPL Prensa performed the national anthem. CSM Jackson gave an amazing speech about today. As well as, honor guard gave an opening to the veterans at our school, and these veterans were presented with a Recognition Award

Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
On April 29th, our JROTC cadets attended Final Review, where schools and cadets were recognized for their hard work throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Of these cadets, 3 were from HSLJ, and were recognized as Outstanding Cadet Board (OCB) Winners